Friday, May 10, 2013


Not to sound cheesy, but I loved my love poem unconditionally when I wrote it, but at second glance a week later, I saw some room for improvement. I decided to reword a few lines and use some different diction, but aside from that I am now more in love with it. Descriptive writing is one of my many passions; in my humble opinion, the more dramatic, the better.This poem is for all the people who cannot bear the thought of losing a friend by making things complicated with a relationship. It’s for the heartsick teenagers that feel as if no one understands.

Eyes as warm as butterscotch

You sparkle across my sky

Your beauty is unparallelled

Inside and out

You are the sun in my desolate tundra

And the supple sand trickling through my toes

My darling, you are my everything

I treasure my stolen glances of you

Tucked away in the deep cavities of my heart

Which truly belongs only to you

Effortless charm drips from your lips

Like rich honeysuckle smoldering with forbidden nectar

Teasing crooked smiles

Leave the girls fawning for miles

But only I can see past those seductive lashes

Secrets lie just below that smirk

Secrets only revealed to me

But you may never know the feelings of mine that are true

For I fear the feeling is not mutual

And I am only a friend to you

So I remain silent

Sheltered by my bubble of unknown

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